PT. Modifikasi Bitumen Sumatera

PT. Modifikasi Bitumen Sumatera is a subsidiary of PT. Aspal Polimer Emulsindo, which has been established since 2017 as a manufacturer of modified asphalt

MBS Factory

The factory which is equipped with the latest machines that we have is able to produce quality asphalt products such as Polymer Asphalt (Elastomer & Plastomer), Natural Rubber Asphalt, Plastic Asphalt, Pracampur Asphalt, Emulsion Asphalt (Cationic Emulsion Asphalt - CRS, CMS, CSS), and Bituminous Waterproofing (APE FLINTKOTE).

The application of the Asphalt products that we produce are used mainly for highway construction, such as Cold Mix Asphalt, Hot mix (Hotmix Asphalt), Slurry Seal, Chip Seal, Fog seal, SMA, SAMI, DGEM, OGEM, AC-WC, AC -BC, Burda, Burtu.

The asphalt processing plant is also equipped with a laboratory and testing equipment needed to control the quality of bitumen products according to specifications (ASTM, AASHTO, SNI).

pabrik mbs 2

(Work In Progress)

Advantage of Using Our Asphalt



The roads that use the asphalt that we produce will be stronger to serve vehicles with high loads and traffic.



Road rebuilding and maintenance costs can be saved, due to high road stability

Long Life Span

The life span of the asphalt highway will be longer because the asphalt properties have been modified